And right on queue the solstice came riding in on flakes of snow with the temperatures nose diving. I still enjoy going out into the world naked, and, much to my wife's disbelief, try to take my morning coffee outside - if the sun is shining.
The December AANR (American Association of Nude Recreation) Newsletter states that at least 20 minutes a day of at least 75%. of your body exposed to sunlight is needed to boost your vitamin D and combat seasonal depression.
With no wind and sun on my skin I can relax outside comfortably for up to an hours. It's a peaceful time to take a few honest breaths and connect with the winter. But if there's a breeze and clouds, like this morning, can barely last a couple of minutes.
Happy Holidays and a Warm-hearted Winter to you! On a still sunny day, take naked pleasure in the sun - you'll be surprised how wonderful it is.
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