Warm Winter Sun

Chilling - or rather, warming - in the heavenly winter sun. December 22, 2024.

The air temperature here in the Mid-Atlantic on this second day of winter is a chilling 25 degrees at noon. Stepping outside in my fleece robe I am chilled to the bone. But when I head down to my morning coffee spot, disrobe and settle into my Adirondack, protected from the wind and full of sun, it's like slipping into a warm Mediterranean retreat. Being naked in the strong winter sun is a sublime treat.
My wife thinks I'm crazy, but I can easily spend an hour relaxing naked outside in brisk 25 degree weather - as long as the sun is bright. If a cloud passes and blocks the rays I immediately feel the freezing temps. But if it's bright, my skin absorbs the rays and warms me to my soul. It's a direct communion with our star, and a peaceful meditation on the winter full of life. 
UCLA Health states that, accounting the amount of clothing and the season of the year, in winter, at my latitude, nearly 2 hours of sun exposure at noon is needed to produce a sufficient amount of vitamin D. But that is based on the assumption that only 10 percent of your skin is exposed to sun. Bask naked in the warm winter sun and the time needed absorb the rays drops to about 20 minutes - an easy task. In fact it is no task at all - it is a divine celestial pleasure!

Delicious February Sun


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