Why Naked?

 So why a blog about nudity? Well, quite simply, because I love being naked.

Are you an exhibitionist then?  Hmm...well, I don't find joy in exposing myself to other, unsuspecting people. And I certainly don't get naked for sexual gratification - except of course when I am having sex.

It took a long time to accept myself and my body, so I enjoy enjoy taking pride in my naturism, and love being a cheerleader for naturism, therefore I enjoy sharing day to day portrayals of naked bodies - usually mine, although I would love to expand to photographing others - simply to present the commonality, normalcy, joy and beauty of nudity.

Once again, then, why do you love nudity so much? OK - at the risk of sounding goofy - because there is something spiritual for me in the act of removing all of my clothes, leaving them where the fall, and stepping in the sunlight and air, just one to one, without any filters. 

It is, as Joseph Campbell once described, a sacred place. A place where I just exist and am a part of the natural world and moment, ironically completely disconnecting and fully connecting with at the same time - a place of just being. Maybe most people don't experience that, and maybe most people have never tried to unburden their mind by stripping off their clothes.

I get it - "Naked" is a very loaded, complex, and complicated state, word, description. It has so many bad associations and connotations  - vulnerable, exposed, abuse, predatory, shame, embarrassment, submission, fear, judgement, perversion. 

But once you accept and fearlessly take ownership and pride in your naked self, you gain a certain sense of confidence and power - and compassion.

I wish to celebrate and explore the odd, exhilarating experience of nudism/naturism.

So to start, here I am, naked...
